Aug 11, 2008

Salad Recipes - Download PDF


Check out the great salad recipes from E-cookbooks library.

Click here to download a pdf of the salad recipes.

Bon Appetit!!
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Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing - Download PDF


Signal processing is a broad and timeless area. The term "signal" includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, and more. Signal processing applies to the theory and application of filtering, coding, transmitting, estimating, detecting, analyzing, recognizing, synthesizing, recording, and reproducing signals. Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing a must-have reference for all engineering professionals involved in signal and image processing. Collecting the most useful formulas and tables - such as integral tables, formulas of algebra, formulas of trigonometry - the text includes:
  • Material for the deterministic and statistical signal processing areas
  • Examples explaining the use of the given formula
  • Numerous definitions
  • Many figures that have been added to special chapters
Handbook of Formulas and Tables for Signal Processing brings together - in one textbook - all the equations necessary for signal and image processing for professionals transforming anything from a physical to a manipulated form, creating a new standard for any person starting a future in the broad, extensive area of research.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Writing for Computer Science - Download PDF

Writing for Computer Science by Justin Zobel: Book Cover

"All scientists need to be skilled writers and researchers. The elements of good writing - clarity, simplicity, accuracy, and organization - are an essential part of success in science. With comprehensive practical help for both students and experienced researchers, Writing for Computer Science: gives extensive guidance for writing style and editing; presents sound practice for graphs, figures, and tables; guides the presentation of mathematics, algorithms and experiments; shows how to assemble research materials into a technical paper; and offers guidelines and advice on spoken presentations." "This second edition contains across-the-board detailed new material on research methods, the how-to of being a scientist, including: development of ideas into research programs; design and evaluation of experiments; how to search for, read, evaluate, and referee other research; and research ethics and the qualities that separate good and bad science." Writing for Computer Science is an introduction to the doing and describing of research, and is a reference for working scientists in the computing and mathematical sciences.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Writing for Science - Download PDF

Writing for Science by Robert Goldbort: Book Cover

This exceptional book encompasses the entire range of writing skills that today’s experimental scientist may need to employ. Detailed chapters cover every type of science writing, from routine forms, such as laboratory notes, abstracts, and memoranda, to the more complex writing required in dissertations, journal articles, and grant proposals. Using numerous extended examples, the book offers students and professionals alike the thorough, practical advice they need to optimize the effectiveness of their written communications.

Robert Goldbort discusses how best to approach various writing tasks as well as how to deal with the everyday complexities that may get in the way of ideal practice—difficult collaborators, experiments gone wrong, funding rejections. He underscores the importance of an ethical approach to science and scientific communication and insists on the necessity of full disclosure.

For working scientists, those seeking employment in the sciences, students taking on writing assignments or oral presentations, and professionals who hope to publish or acquire funding, this volume is an essential resource.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Popular Mechanics - August 2008 - Download PDF

Popular Mechanics - August, 2008

Popular Mechanics is an American magazine devoted to science and technology. It was first published January 11, 1902 by H.H. Windsor, and has been owned since the 1950s by the Hearst Corporation. Popular Mechanics features regular sections on automotive, home, outdoors, science, and technology topics. A recurring column is "Jay Leno's Garage" featuring observations by the famed late-night talk show host and vehicle enthusiast.

The August 2008 issue covers :
  • COVER STORY: Unrestricted Aerospace

Mysterious test flights and secret prototypes turned Mojave's Air and Space Port into the hotbed of the New Space race—and the subject of PM's new cover story.
  • Olympic Science
Olympics Sci/Tech Follow breaking news from Beijing and sports science from the lab with PM’s complete coverage of the Summer Games!
  • Gadget Hacking
  • Smog Effect

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great magazine. Please review it and if you like it, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Nuts and Volts - August 2008 - Download PDF


Nuts and Volts is a magazine for the experienced electronics hobbyist. It has been published by T & L Publications since 1980. The content leans heavily toward microcontroller and digital electronics projects.

This issue covers :

  • Hacking The Prius
  • How To Use The Pushbutton Rotary Encoder
  • Audio Spectrum Analyzer
  • Model Train Switch Control via PC or PIC
  • Developing Perspectives
  • DORKBOT People Doing Weird Things With Electricity
  • Getting Started with the PICAXE-28X1 Microcontroller
  • Introducing The AVR C Programming Workshop Series - Part 1
  • Q & A
  • Techknowledgey 2008
  • Ten Things You May Not Know About Bluetooth
  • Up The Logic Food Chain

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great magazine. Please review it and if you like it, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Writing from Start to Finish: A Six-step Guide - Download PDF

Writing from Start to Finish by Kate Grenville: Book Cover

Do you find yourself staring at a blank piece of paper, waiting for the words to pour out?If you find writing difficult, this book is for you. Award-winning novelist Kate Grenville shares her method-the 'Six Steps' approach to writing. Whether you're writing a short story, essay, review or report, you can follow the same six steps every time.The steps include:* How to get ideas* How to plan your writing* How to revise.Don't worry. Along the way, Kate provides plenty of examples and hands-on, step-by-step guidance to help get you going-and keep you going. She also includes a quick guide to grammar and an exam kit for last-minute revision.Written in consultation with educational experts, and with a very user-friendly approach, this is an ideal guide for high school students-but it's also full of practical tips to inspire writers of all ages.Many how-to-write books make writing sound hard-this one will give you the confidence to know you can do it. and practical instructions on how to improve their writing.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day - Download CHM

Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day by Judith F. Olson: Book Cover

Writing well isn't a talent you're born with. It's a skill you acquire through mastery of a few simple basics. This book will help you achieve that mastery through an easy 20-step program. Each step takes just 20 minutes a day.

What makes this WRITING SKILL BUILDER so effective?
  • An introductory diagnostic test helps you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses.
  • 20 steps cover all the vital writing skills, from capitalization and problem verbs and pronouns to the essentials of style.
  • You learn by everyday examples.
  • Exercises are in test format (giving you plenty of practice for test-taking).
  • Each step is designed for ease and speed in learning.
  • Post-test shows you the progress you've made.

Click here to download a CHM of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Scientific American - August 2008 - Download PDF

Scientific American Magazine

Scientific American is a popular science magazine, published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28, 1845, making it one of the oldest continuously published magazines in the United States. It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.

The issue of August 2008 features : 
  • Quantum Computing with Ions -Researchers are taking the first steps toward building ultrapowerful computers that use individual atoms to perform calculations - By Christopher R. Monroe and David J. Wineland\
  • Magnifying Taste: New Chemicals Trick the Brain into Eating Less -Compounds that enhance the sweet and salty flavors of foods could combat obesity and heart disease - By Melinda Wenner
  • Self-Cleaning Materials: Lotus Leaf-Inspired Nanotechnology - The lotus plant's magnificent ability to repel dirt has inspired a range of self-cleaning and antibacterial technologies that may also help control microfluidic "lab-on-a-chip" devices - By Peter Forbes
  • Bracing the Satellite Infrastructure for a Solar Superstorm - A recurrence of the 1859 solar superstorm would be a cosmic Katrina, causing billions of dollars of damage to satellites, power grids and radio communications -By Sten F. Odenwald and James L. Green
  • Facing the fresh water crisis - As demand for freshwater soars, planetary supplies are becoming unpredictable. Existing technologies could avert a global water crisis, but they must be implemented soon - By Peter Rogers
  • Why Migraines Strike - Biologists finally are unraveling the medical mysteries of migraine, from aura to pain -By David W. Dodick and J. Jay Gargus
  • Is China's Pollution Poisoning Its Children? - Epidemiologists find molecular clues to air pollution's impact on youngsters -  By Dan Fagin

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to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great magazine. Please review it and if you like it, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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National Geographic Magazine - August 2008 - Download PDF

Table of Contents

The National Geographic Magazine is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888.

The issue of August 2008 covers the following
  • Ancient Soul of Iran - The glories of Persia inspire the modern nation.
  • Monkey Paradise -
    The bush-meat trade stalks an African island ark.
  • Between Volcanoes -
    Fire and water collide in Japan's largest national park.
  • Moscow Never Sleeps -When the sun sets, the Russian capital heats up.
  • Target Earth - A killer asteroid may be headed our way.
  • International Photo Contest - National Geographic's international photo contest will be open for entries starting August 1.
  • Your Shot - Submit your photo, check out Your Shot jigsaw puzzles, and see reader photos published in National Geographic.
  • Visions of Earth -
    Each month, National Geographic features breathtaking photographs in Visions of Earth.
  • Editor's Note -
    Editor in Chief Chris Johns writes about raising awareness of the need for conservation on Bioko Island.
  • Flashback - Slogans honoring writer Maksim Gorky draped balconies at Moscow's Bolshoi Theatre in 1928.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great magazine. Please review it and if you like it, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Aug 10, 2008

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells - Download PDF

The Craft of Writing Science Fiction That Sells
Guides writers step by step through the major elements of SF storytelling, showing how to construct strong, editor-attracting stories and novels.

It is applicable to a writer of any genre...

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Zemanta Pixie

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft - Download PDF

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is an autobiography and writing guide by Stephen King, published in 2000.

The first section of the book is an autobiography centering on King's early exposure to the world of fiction and his childhood attempts at writing. He describes his early attempts to get published, his breakthrough success with the novel Carrie, and his subsequent development as a tremendously popular author. King also discusses his problems with drugs and alcohol.

The second section is practical advice on writing, from tips on grammar to ideas about developing plot and character. King describes it as a guide for how "a competent writer can become a good one." He places particular stress on his beliefs that a writer should edit out unnecessary details and avoid the use of unnecessary adverbs.

The third section is once again autobiographical and discusses the 1999 automobile accident in which the writer was struck by a vehicle while walking down an isolated country road. King describes his brush with death, his painful recovery and his struggle to start writing again.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.

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Steps to Writing Well - Download PDF

Steps to Writing Well: With Additional Readings
Writing well is just a step away! Join the thousands who have learned to write well with Jean Wyrick's helpful instruction. STEPS TO WRITING WELL WITH ADDITIONAL READINGS, Seventh Edition, is the ultimate step-by-step guide to writing effective essays. With Wyrick's clear, practical advice,you'll find it easy to begin, organize, and revise your writing-from choosing a topic to developing your essay to polishing your prose.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design - Download PDF

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design by B. A. Shenoi: Book Cover
A practical and accessible guide to understanding digital signal processing

Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design was developed and fine-tuned from the author's twenty-five years of experience teaching classes in digital signal processing. Following a step-by-step approach, students and professionals quickly master the fundamental concepts and applications of discrete-time signals and systems as well as the synthesis of these systems to meet specifications in the time and frequency domains. Striking the right balance between mathematical derivations and theory, the book features:
* Discrete-time signals and systems
* Linear difference equations
* Solutions by recursive algorithms
* Convolution
* Time and frequency domain analysis
* Discrete Fourier series
* Design of FIR and IIR filters
* Practical methods for hardware implementation

A unique feature of this book is a complete chapter on the use of a MATLAB tool, known as the FDA (Filter Design and Analysis) tool, to investigate the effect of finite word length and different formats of quantization, different realization structures, and different methods for filter design. This chapter contains material of practical importance that is not found in many books used in academic courses. It introduces students in digital signal processing to what they need to know to design digital systems using DSP chips currently available from industry.

With its unique, classroom-tested approach, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing and Filter Design is the ideal text for students in electrical and electronic engineering, computer science, and applied mathematics, and an accessible introduction or refresher for engineers and scientists in the field.

An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available online from the Wiley editorial department.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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A Handbook of Time Series Analysis Signal Processing and Dynamics - Download PDF

Preview this book
The aim of this book is to serve as a graduate text and reference in time series analysis and signal processing, two closely related subjects that are the concern of a wide range of disciplines, such as statistics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and physics.

The book provides a CD-ROM containing codes in PASCAL and C for the computer procedures printed in the book. It also furnishes a complete program devoted to the statistical analysis of time series, which will be attractive to a wide range of academics working in diverse mathematical disciplines.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics - Download PDF

Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (The Springer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
With the advent of `multimedia', digital signal processing (DSP) of sound has emerged from the shadow of bandwidth limited speech processing to become a research field of its own. To date, most research in DSP applied to sound has been concentrated on speech, which is bandwidth limited to about 4 kilohertz. Speech processing is also limited by the low fidelity typically expected in the telephone network.

Today, the main applications of audio DSP are high quality audio coding and the digital generation and manipulation of music signals. They share common research topics including perceptual measurement techniques and analysis/synthesis methods. Additional important topics are hearing aids using signal processing technology and hardware architectures for digital signal processing of audio. In all these areas the last decade has seen a significant amount of application-oriented research.

The frequency range of wideband audio has an upper limit of 20 kilohertz and the resulting difference in frequency range and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) due to sample size must be taken into account when designing DSP algorithms. There are whole classes of algorithms that the speech community is not interested in pursuing or using. These algorithms and techniques are revealed in this book.

This book is suitable for advanced level courses and serves as a valuable reference for researchers in the field. Interested and informed engineers will also find the book useful in their work.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems - Download PDF

Audio Signal Processing by Yiteng Huang: Book Cover

Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems presents cutting-edge digital signal processing theory and implementation techniques for problems including speech acquisition and enhancement using microphone arrays, new adaptive filtering algorithms, multichannel acoustic echo cancellation, sound source tracking and separation, audio coding, and realistic sound stage reproduction. This book's focus is almost exclusively on the processing, transmission, and presentation of audio and acoustic signals in multimedia communications for telecollaboration where immersive acoustics will play a great role in the near future.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Aug 9, 2008

Hearts in Atlantis - Download PDF

Hearts in Atlantis, is a fictional work by Stephen King. This book consists of two novellas and three short stories, each connected to the next by recurring characters and taking place in chronological order.

The stories are subtly about the Baby Boomer generation, specifically King's view that this generation (to which he self-consciously belongs) failed to live up to their promise and ideals. Significantly, the opening epigraph of the collection is the Peter Fonda line from the end of Easy Rider: "We blew it." All of the stories are about Baby Boomers, and in all of them, the members of that generation fail profoundly, or are paying the costs of some profound failure on their part. The closing "Heavenly Shades of Night are Falling" is clearly meant as a eulogy for the promise of the Baby Boom generation, with the hint of redemption.

Stephen King, whose first novel, Carrie, was published in 1974, the year before the last U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam, is the first hugely popular writer of the TV generation. Images from that war -- and the protests against it -- had flooded America's living rooms for a decade. Hearts in Atlantis, King's newest fiction, is composed of five interconnected, sequential narratives, set in the years from 1960 to 1999. Each story is deeply rooted in the sixties, and each is haunted by the Vietnam War.

In Part One, "Low Men in Yellow Coats," eleven-year-old Bobby Garfield discovers a world of predatory malice in his own neighborhood. He also discovers that adults are sometimes not rescuers but at the heart of the terror.

In the title story, a bunch of college kids get hooked on a card game, discover the possibility of protest...and confront their own collective heart of darkness, where laughter may be no more than the thinly disguised cry of the beast.

In "Blind Willie" and "Why We're in Vietnam," two men who grew up with Bobby in suburban Connecticut try to fill the emptiness of the post-Vietnam era in an America which sometimes seems as hollow -- and as haunted -- as their own lives.

And in "Heavenly Shades of Night Are Falling," this remarkable book's denouement, Bobby returns to his hometown where one final secret, the hope of redemption, and his heart's desire may await him.

Full of danger, full of suspense, most of all full of heart, Stephen King's new book will take some readers to a place they have never been...and others to a place they have never been able to completely leave.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Dreamcatcher - Download PDF

Dreamcatcher is a novel written by Stephen King. It was adapted into a 2003 movie of the same name. The book, written longhand, was the author's tool for recuperation from a 1999 car accident, and was completed in half a year.

King revisits the setting of his previous nightmares, It and Insomnia, in this extraterristrial masterpiece that blends the story of four high school friends, woven together and given a special strength through their connection with a Down syndrome patient, and using that unique power to survive an alien invasion that ensues decades later. Beaver, Pete, Jonesy, and Henry initially were good friends, but their relationship intensifies a hundred fold when they encounter a mental needs child named Diddums being savagely, brutally beaten by bullies. They manage to save him, and soon discover that Diddums possesses a very wonderous energy that magnifies the already tenacious abilities of the four kids to supernatural extremities. This is a most useful development, for thirty years later, the boys that have long since grown into men, use these special techniques to help save the precious bits of humanity they can save from a hostile extraterrestrial attack. The aliens are a cancer, letting themselves be annihilated by the military only to fester with renewed vitality from their powdery remains. They cannot survive the cold however, so a diabolical scheme is unleashed as one of their members siezes the body of Jonesy, intending to control the human frame so that it can deliver fertile infants of the alien's kind into a major water supply. To the imposter's astonishment, Jonesy's consciousness is not eradicated as it should've been, due to his paranormal strength, and thus his friends, sensing his catastrophical situation, set out to save him as he battles "Mr. Gray" for possession of his body. The novel climatically continues to build on countless elements as it concludes, with an ending so explosive, it ensures that it will remain a part of the reader's memory forever.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Zemanta Pixie

Shooting Digital: Pro Tips for Taking Great Pictures with Your Digital Camera - Download PDF

Shooting Digital: Pro Tips for Taking Great Pictures with Your Digital Camera eBooks
Shooting Digital is the authoritative guide to getting the most out of your digital camera. Noted photographer and best-selling author Mikkel Aaland has drawn on his 28 years of experience in the field and collected wisdom and images from more than 30 contributors, many of them professional photographers who shoot digital every day. The result is a wealth of pro tips, shooting techniques, and technical recommendations, accompanied by stunning photographs. Whether you're a digital photographer honing your skills or a film photographer making the transition to digital, you'll be inspired and equipped to get consistently great results.

Through straightforward explanation and illustrative examples you'll learn how to:

  • Use digital-specific techniques to take great pictures of people, events, sports, landscapes, buildings, and products
  • Fully exploit the minimovie capabilities of your digital camera
  • Recognize and compensate for the dreaded shutter release lag
  • Use the LCD preview to turn portrait subjects into collaborators
  • Create stunning panoramas and object movies
  • Work with RAW data, the holy grail of digital photography
  • Extend the tonal range of digital cameras
  • Archive your digital images while on the road
  • And much more...
Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.

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The Digital Photography Book - Download CHM

The Digital Photography Book
Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography--how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros use (and it's easier than you'd think).

This entire book is written with a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I wouldn't stand there and give you a lecture about aperture, exposure, and depth of field. In real life, I'd just say, 'Get out your telephoto lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.' You d say, 'OK,' and you'd get the shot. That's what this book is all about. A book of you and I shooting, and I answer the questions, give you advice, and share the secrets I've learned just like I would with a friend, without all the technical explanations and without all the techno-photo-speak."

This isn't a book of theory—it isn't full of confusing jargon and detailed concepts: this is a book of which button to push, which setting to use, when to use them, and nearly two hundred of the most closely guarded photographic "tricks of the trade" to get you shooting dramatically better-looking, sharper, more colorful, more professional-looking photos with your digital camera every time you press the shutter button.

Here's another thing that makes this book different: each page covers just one trick, just one single concept that makes your photography better. Every time you turn the page, you'll learn another pro setting, another pro tool, another pro trick to transform your work from snapshots into gallery prints. There's never been a book like it, and if you're tired of taking shots that look "OK," and if you’re tired of looking in photography magazines and thinking, "Why don't my shots look like that?" then this is the book for you.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Aug 7, 2008

The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing - Download PDF

A guide to learning the art of writing recommends using journals to explore topics and presents tips from notable writers including Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, and E.B. White.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Atheism and Theism (Great Debates in Philosophy) - Download PDF

Atheism and Theism by J. J. C. Smart: Book Cover
The issue of whether or not there is a God is one of the oldest and most widely disputed philosophical questions. It is a debate that spreads far across the range of philosophical questions about the status of science, the nature of mind, the character of good and evil, the epistemology of experience and testimony, and so on. In this book two philosophers, each committed to unambiguous versions of belief and disbelief, debate the central issues of atheism and theism.Smart opens the debate by arguing that theism is philosophically untenable and seeks to explain metaphysical truth in the light of total science. Haldane continues the discussion by affirming that the existence of the world, and the possibility of our coming to have knowledge of it, depend upon the existence of a creating, sustaining, personal God. This is followed by replies, where each philosopher has the chance to respond and to defend his position. This second edition contains new essays by each philosopher, responding to criticisms and building on their previous work.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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God Want You Dead - Download PDF

Warning! This book contains dangerous ideas! Please use all proper caution and safety equipment while reading. We cannot be held responsible for damage to your mind, or the contents thereof. This book is about the past, present and future evolution of human ideas. Its primary emphasis is on parasitic collectivist ideologies. It examines where they come from, how they harm us and how we can remove them from our own minds and from the culture around us. Finally, it tells us the amazing things that will become possible for humanity when they are gone. Not only religions, but also nation states, racial groups, corporations and other collectives are targeted for clear minded observation and criticism.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.

Zemanta Pixie

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5 - Download PDF

Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5

Joomla! started as a fork from Mambo in 2005, when many of the original developers of the Mambo CMS moved to working on Joomla! It has rapidly grown in popularity and, according to its own description, is a "Cutting Edge Content Management System and one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management systems in the world. It is used world-wide for anything from simple homepages to complicated corporate websites. It is easy to install, easy to manage and very reliable."

While the Joomla! CMS has the flexibility and power needed for complex, full-featured web applications, it is also simple to use to create basic websites. Its powerful, extensible template system can deal many different data types and control of user access, approval of content, scheduling of content display, and rich administrative controls are all included.

Read the full Table of Contents for Building Websites with Joomla! 1.5

This book takes the reader through the tasks essential to create a Joomla! website as rapidly as possible. The necessary tasks are explained with clear step-by-step instructions. The author’s chatty and engaging style makes this book very readable.

Who this book is written for
This book is suitable for web developers, designers, webmasters, content editors, and marketing professionals who want to develop a website in a simple and straightforward process. It does not require any detailed knowledge of programming or web development, and any IT-confident individual will be able to use the book to produce an impressive website.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Download PDF

The Cambridge Companion to Atheism

In this volume, eighteen of the world’s leading scholars present original essays on various aspects of atheism: its history, both ancient and modern, defense and implications. The topic is examined in terms of its implications for a wide range of disciplines including philosophy, religion, feminism, postmodernism, sociology and psychology. In its defense, both classical and contemporary theistic arguments are criticized, and, the argument from evil, and impossibility arguments, along with a non religious basis for morality are defended. These essays give a broad understanding of atheism and a lucid introduction to this controversial topic.

  • All original essays designed to give a broad understanding of atheism and a lucid introduction to this controversial topic
  • Essays relevant to both philosophy and religion
  • Written by leading experts in their fields
Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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Introducing AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009 - Download PDF

Quickly Master AutoCAD 2009 Essentials

The new edition of this hands-on guide helps users of all skill levels learn the basics of AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT® 2009 easily and efficiently. Bestselling AutoCAD author and expert George Omura offers clear explanations, a task-based approach, and pages of real-world examples and exercises to make this thorough book more valuable and useful than ever. Whether you're new to AutoCAD or just looking for a quick refresher, you'll find the fast, focused introduction to AutoCAD you need to get quickly up to speed.

  • Explore the all-new interface in AutoCAD 2009 and AutoCAD LT 2009

  • Navigate the new Ribbon panel to access the tools you need

  • Master the basics of drawing and editing with precision

  • Add and edit notes and dimensions

  • Learn the fundamentals of 2D drawings and 3D models

  • Understand layers, blocks, groups, and external references

  • Find areas and distances quickly

  • Easily extract hidden data

George Omura is the all-time bestselling AutoCAD author and was cited as the favorite CAD author by members of the Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) in AUGIWorld magazine's "Best of Everything CAD" issue.

About the Author

George Omura is a licensed architect, Autodesk Authorized Author, and CAD specialist with more than 20 years of experience in AutoCAD and over 30 years of experience in architecture. He has worked on design projects ranging from resort hotels to metropolitan transit systems to the San Francisco Library project. George has written numerous other AutoCAD books for Sybex, including Introducing AutoCAD 2008, Mastering AutoCAD 2008 and AutoCAD LT 2008, and Just Enough AutoCAD 2007.

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Aug 6, 2008

Autocad 2009 Beginners Guide - PDF

This upload consists of two books. One being the "Getting Started" guide for AutoCAD 2009 from AutoDesk. The other book being "Lynn Allen's Tips and Tricks for using AutoCAD 2009".

These books are a must for anybody who is a beginner to ACAD 2009 or to thosewho wants to increase their productivity using all the tips and tricks.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.

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Interpretation And Application Of International Accounting Standards 2003 - PDF

Wiley IAS 2003 by Barry J. Epstein: Book Cover

International Accounting Standards (IAS-with future pronouncements to be known as International Financial Reporting Standards, or IFRS) are receiving more attention than ever, having now been endorsed by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and, most recently, by the European Union. The EU will require that listed companies throughout the European Union apply IAS, instead of previously employed national accounting standards, by 2005, for consolidated financial reporting purposes (and since comparative financials are required, users will generally need to begin this exercise in 2003, as a practical matter). These two events-coupled with the growing list of nations either formally adopting IAS or basing national standards on them, and with the ever-expanding group of major international companies choosing to report on that basis of accounting-will likely provide the impetus necessary to catapult IAS into truly global use and acceptance.

Wiley IAS 2003 is the compact yet truly comprehensive quick-reference guide that accountants can depend on to assist in the prepa- ration and understanding of financial statements presented in accordance with IAS. This new edition includes complete coverage of all the standards issued or revised by the International Accounting Standards Committee under the IOSCO's "core set of standards" program, as well as all other extant requirements. In addition, the book offers in-depth coverage of the latest changes proposed by the newly constituted International Accounting Standards Board's "improvements project," some of which will likely become effective by the end of 2003.

More than ever before, every accountant or corporate financial official involved in-or contemplating-registration in foreign securities markets now needs the guidance offered in this book. Written by a team of practicing CPAs with in-depth international experience in applying IAS, this guide includes meaningful real-world examples and interpretive insights into the requirements of all current, and proposed, IAS.

This up-to-date 2003 edition covers important, complex requirements addressed by recent IAS, including:

  • IAS 10, Events After the Balance Sheet Date
  • IAS 33, Earnings Per Share
  • IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting
  • IAS 35, Discontinuing Operations
  • IAS 36, Impairment of Assets
  • IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets
  • IAS 38, Intangible Assets
  • IAS 40, Investment Property
  • IAS 41, Agriculture
  • IAS 32, Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation
  • IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
  • IAS 39 Implementation Guidance: Questions and Answers

Plus: Other IAS, including the revised standards on Presentation of Financial Statements (IAS 1), Cash Flow Statements (IAS 7), Construction Contracts (IAS 11), Segment Reporting (IAS 14), Property, Plant and Equipment (IAS 16), Leases (IAS 17), Revenue (IAS 18), Employee Benefits (IAS 19), Income Taxes (IAS 12), Government Grants (IAS 20), Business Combinations (IAS 22), and the often contentious topic of Related-Party Disclosures (IAS 24), as well as coverage of specialized industry accounting rules-including Disclosures in Financial Statements of Banks (IAS 30). All currently effective interpretations (SIC) are fully discussed and integrated into the coverage of the related IAS.

New for 2003: expanded examples of financial statements prepared under IAS, with extensive informative disclosures, and a comprehensive comparison of IAS to both U.S. GAAP and U.K. GAAP requirements. Also included is a comprehensive, updated disclosure checklist.

Click here to download a pdf of the sample copy of this great book. Please review the book and if you like the book, then please buy it or lend out from a library.
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